000 shēmas schaltung circuit circuito схема (10) 100 aboment (9) 123 aprēķins (5) 12V (1) 220V (1) 300kHz (2) 3G 4G modēmi (1) 5V (1) 78xx 79xx (1) akumulatori (2) amper (1) amplifier (6) Amplifier Circuits (5) analogi (4) android (2) antena (3) antikvariat (4) APP (1) art - māksla (2) ASK (1) ATX (1) audio power amplifier circuit (11) aukstā kodolsintēze (1) auto (2) autogeneratora shema (1) brīvā enerģija (9) cascode (2) cassette (1) circuit (15) complementary pair (6) current stabilizer (1) datasheet (1) dators (6) DC-DC (3) DDoS (1) Decibeli dB (2) Diodes (9) discrete elements amplifier (3) download (1) DPK (1) draiveri (1) drošība (1) ECL (1) eee (2) ESR (3) FAK (1) ferīti (2) formulas (1) forumi - ziņas - blogi (3) free energy (13) game (4) garšīga recepte (1) GE DIOD (2) GE NPN (5) GE PNP (5) generator (4) germanium amplifier (3) HDD (1) History (1) hybrid - gibrīd - гибрид (1) INFO (1) internets (2) invertors (1) ISA-card (1) youtube (6) Jauda - Wati (1) kalkulators (1) karš (1) kas man ir mājās (54) katalogs (15) KDS (2) KKA (2) KKK (2) KKR (1) KKS (1) kondensatori (4) KPK (2) KPK cascode (1) KSK (1) labošana (4) Laptops (11) LM317 (1) lombards (1) magnet (2) metālmeklētājs (1) mēraparāts - измеритель - measurer (7) MIC (1) micro-cap (3) mikroshēma (4) mini pci-e (2) Mishina coil (12) mobilais (1) MOSFET (1) motor (2) msata ssd (1) multimetr (4) N-FET (1) NPN (9) online (3) OpAmp (1) Operational Amplifiers =Op Amps= Integrated circuit - microchip (1) OpTron (1) oscilloscope (5) OSX (1) P-FET (1) Pareģojumi (1) PCMCIA (1) plates ar detaļām (1) PNP (8) power opamp (1) power supply unit - PSU (3) price (2) radiolamp (7) Reaktīvā pretestība (1) remonts (2) retro (6) rezonanse (3) ritenis (1) RLC (1) roboti (1) sapnis (1) shema (25) SI DIOD (2) SI NPN (5) SI PNP (4) silicij amplifier (2) sinusoid generator circuit (3) sinusoidāla signāla ģenerators (1) snubber and clamper (1) softs (2) sound (2) spēles (3) spiegošana (1) Tabula (10) tabulas (2) tembra bloks (1) Termini (1) termopasta (1) tests (3) tirgus (1) Tiristori - Simistroni (1) TL431 (1) transformators 15Khz (3) transformators 50HZ (11) transistor (1) transistor info (2) TTL (1) tube (2) TV shema (4) U=IR P=UI (1) USB (1) Used PC (5) uzdevums (1) veselība (8) voltage stabilizer (1) webcam (1) ГЗ-102 (1) КМОП CMOS (2) ЭСЛ ТТЛ (2)


Free energy - Vadik Guk

2014.g. 14.aprīlis ... Вадик Гук - Delomorto  ... shema ... shema find

This thread is for the 3v OU Flashlight projects. ____ 1 2 3 4
ICs CD4069 (K561LH2)
Translation of PerpettummobileOUFlashLight_02.JPG
Ferrite pot core OB30 M1500. 3 coils 50 turns each using 0.35mm insulated magnetic wire. The induction is 3x716 uH. Standard 2 sections coil holder. One section is used by the bifiler coil (L1 & L2) and the other section is for the L3. Naturally, an air gap of 0.5mm is required (according to the theory).
In accordance with the AN920 document Figure 18 (http://onsemi.com), the induction should be 115uH. I have achieved the same result by using 20 turns of 0.35 wire. Thus 3x115uH (L1,L2,L3)


2013.g. 22. maijs ... Valdisch Pelscher Работающая модель, автор: Валерий, 
free-energy@list.ru. shema
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